When you realize that your gas fireplace isn’t working quite right, it’s natural to want to give it a quick fix yourself rather than call in a professional. After all, who wouldn’t want to save some money on repairs? If you’ve been there, you know how this goes: you pull out the owner’s manual or maybe even check online for advice and then get started. You try cleaning out the venting system; perhaps you replace a fuse or two. Finally, after several hours of tinkering and likely having spent more than if you had called a professional in the first place, you might get your fireplace up and running again.

“Hooray!” you think to yourself as your house awakens to the smell of burning gas. “I did it myself! I’m so smart! These professionals are just ripping us off, anyway! I’ll never call them again!”

Except when your fireplace stops working again—and it will—you’ll have no one but yourself to blame.

The truth is that every gas fireplace needs regular maintenance and repair work in order to run safely and efficiently. Professionals understand the inner workings of your specific model better than anyone else, so they can quickly identify what’s wrong with it and come up with an appropriate solution.

Here are some reasons why you should always call a professional when it comes to repairing your gas fireplace:


While it’s true that gas fireplaces are easier to light and maintain than wood-burning fireplaces, they also have an inherent risk of leaking dangerous gases into your home. A non-professional may not be able to tell if your fireplace is properly ventilated, which can lead to carbon monoxide build-up that threatens the lives of your family members. Gas appliances should only be handled by a certified professional who has a comprehensive understanding of their operation and maintenance. Additionally, you can read more about gas fireplace burning guidelines.


Warranty is one of the reasons why you should always call for professional gas fireplace repair. Most manufacturers offer warranties for their products, and if you don’t use a professional for gas fireplace repair, you can void the warranty on your unit. If the manufacturer finds out that you performed the repairs yourself instead of calling a pro, they may not honor the warranty on your product at all. Before using any type of product, it’s always best to check with the manufacturer to make sure it’s something they’ll support and service.


Gas fireplace repair is a tricky business because it requires experience to get the right parts and the know-how to install them correctly. Professionals have the tools and equipment that homeowners don’t have, meaning they can figure out problems quickly and efficiently. It’s also important to make sure you’re working with a trustworthy company, which you can do by checking reviews online or asking friends who they’d recommend. A gas fireplace should be something you can enjoy every winter—but you won’t enjoy it if it doesn’t work properly or if you have to pay someone to fix it over and over again!

Access to Tools

There are many reasons why you should always call a professional for gas fireplace repair, but the most important ones include access to tools and experience. If you decide that you want to do it yourself, then you will be limited to the tools that you have on hand. Having the right tool for the job makes all the difference when it comes to a project like this. It is almost impossible for someone to fix something correctly if they don’t have the necessary tools. Also, since gas fireplaces are highly complicated machines, it takes years of experience to know how everything should go together in order to make sure that everything is working properly. When dealing with such a complicated machine, it is best to work with someone who has experience with these types of appliances.

Less Hassle

For most homeowners, calling a professional to fix your gas fireplace is the smartest way to keep it in good working order. Not only do you avoid the hassle of having to do research and figuring out how to do the repairs yourself, but you’ll also get the job done right. After all, who better knows how to fix your gas fireplace than the professionals who build them? That’s why we at Northco Fire encourage our customers to call a professional for their gas fireplace repair needs. We know that it can be tempting to try and make these repairs on your own, but we can assure you that it’s just not worth the trouble. With so many possible things that could go wrong, it’s much safer and easier to hire someone who knows what he or she is doing.

How to Choose One?

Well, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, you want someone who has experience. Second of all, you want someone who has references. You want to get a few different opinions if possible. You don’t even have to leave your home or office! You can call up some of the professionals in your area and ask them for references or feedback on other professionals who’ve worked within your area. That way, if you need any help getting in touch with the right people, they can help you make connections with the right people! Your best bet is finding someone who’s been in the business for a while and knows their way around. Even if they don’t have much experience working with gas fireplaces specifically, they should be able to at least answer some questions about the whole process for you and advise you on what sort of problem you’re dealing with and what the next steps should be.

Looking For One?

If you are in need of gas fireplace repair, it is always best to call a professional. Here at Northco Fire, we have experienced professionals who can help get your fireplace up and running again in no time. We understand that a working fireplace is an important part of any home, so don’t wait until the cold weather hits to give us a call. We offer weekend emergency service, so you can rest assured that we will be there when you need us. Have questions about our services or want to schedule an appointment? Give us a call today!